What's Your Excuse? When I go through my Facebook feed, I see loads of people sharing pretty pictures with quotes about how the world is just a dream and how we all need to move out of duality consciousness. Lovely, righ... Jul 28, 2014 Shusara's Blog
Satsang (July 17, 2014) Tonight's session begins with a brief discussion about the current energies and how we are witnessing the dissolution in our personal lives, within the collective, and in the Earth, as well. PielleAya... Jul 17, 2014
Satsang (July 10, 2014) Shusara begins this session with addressing the need of the seeker to walk their spiritual talk. Too many seekers have conceptual understandings but do not strive to live them in their daily lives. Yo... Jul 10, 2014
Satsang (July 3, 2014) Shusara begins this session by discussing the importance of having the seeker ask that his/her objective observer come into being. The session focuses on the role of the observer and its paramount imp... Jul 3, 2014
Satsang (June 26, 2014) Tonight's session began with the patterning example of a person who believes that whatever they say, it won't be good enough. Shusara expanded on where that comes from and KCSA's Meghan told her story... Jun 26, 2014
Satsang (June 19, 2014) Tonight's session came back to the topic of choice. Shusara spent time focusing on how just seeing the trigger and the patterning is not enough to dissolve it. It is imperative at this time that peopl... Jun 19, 2014
Satsang (June 12, 2014) PielleAyan starts this session out by speaking about the importance of Shusara's work and how it should be seen as a gift to all of us. Shusara expands on PielleAyan's comments by speaking further abo... Jun 12, 2014
Satsang (June 5, 2014) In tonight's session, PielleAyan began the discussion with her experience around vulnerability and how she recognized that she wasn't being vulnerable with herself, much less anybody else. Meghan shar... Jun 5, 2014
Satsang (May 29, 2014) During this powerful session, Shusara spends some time explaining the spiritual protection she uses and its benefits for the seeker. The rest of the session is focused on addiction. Shusara explains t... May 29, 2014 BBS Archives
Satsang (May 22, 2014) In tonight's session, Shusara addresses the struggles that seekers are experiencing during these times and explains the significance of why this is happening now. The main topic of the session concern... May 22, 2014 BBS Archives
The Winning Position Children constantly observe their surroundings and develop their sense of self from input taken in through the senses. When a child witnesses a battle of egos, his psyche will pattern itself after bot... May 16, 2014 Shusara's Blog
Satsang (May 8, 2014) Shusara begins the session with a Violet Flame guided meditation. The rest of the session focuses on the listener who asked a question concerning her debt and feelings toward money and the banking sys... May 8, 2014 BBS Archives