You Are Not Your Pain One of the most difficult things to bridge in dissolution work is the attachment the personal self has to its pain. Your sense of self is comprised of stories built upon disappointment, regret, fear, ... Feb 15, 2015 Shusara's Blog
Satsang (February 5, 2015) Tonight's session began with Shusara speaking briefly about the Rays of Light and the impact it has on humanity when you balance thechakras and emanate pure, divine Light. Then, Tim posed a question c... Feb 5, 2015 BBS Archives
Love All, Honor All, Serve All Dear Ones, Greetings, and congratulations on making it through 2014! It was a challenging year for most of us, filled with hard lessons in how to let go, forgive, and most importantly, how to love mor... Jan 25, 2015 Shusara's Blog
Satsang (January 22, 2015) The topic for tonight's session was wisdom and knowledge. Shusara addressed the difference between the two and spokeabout how our life experiences are brought to us as a means to help us moveinto grea... Jan 22, 2015 BBS Archives
Satsang (January 8, 2015) 2015 will be a year of transformation and greater challenges for everyone. Shusara encourages everyone to consciously and willingly do their inner work now so that they won't have to live their work o... Jan 8, 2015 BBS Archives
Satsang (December 18, 2014) Shusara takes a look at the year ahead during tonight's session. 2015 will be a year of big shifting for the individual and the collective.Shusara's overriding messagetonight revolved around how thing... Dec 18, 2014 BBS Archives
Satsang (December 11, 2014) Shusara opens this session with a discussion about how the physical body needs to adjust to the ascension energies. Then she spends time talking about things we are experiencing as this "reality" is d... Dec 11, 2014 BBS Archives
Satsang (December 4, 2014) Tonight's session began with questions from PielleAyan concerning responsibility and obligation. In her response Shusara reminds us that each one of us is a unique blending of the Rays of Light and th... Dec 4, 2014 BBS Archives
Satsang (November 20, 2014) In reference to her most recent blog posting on , Shusara takes a serious look at how we can lend our support for change on the planet. In this very candid, no-nonsense talk, she encoura... Nov 20, 2014 BBS Archives
Lend Your Support for Change How long have you been praying for a better world? How many of you have invested your hopes and dreams in a world of peace, without suffering? Surely, anyone reading this blog would apply. My question... Nov 20, 2014 Shusara's Blog
Depletion and Time Away Today I want to write about the necessity of true “down time” for the committed spiritual seeker. Traditionally, aspirants spent years…even lifetimes…in relative seclusion from the world. The higher y... Nov 4, 2014 Shusara's Blog
Satsang (October 23, 2014) We are in the midst of another large shifting of energy, and Shusara begins the session speaking about what that means for all of us. Tonight's session features dialogue between Meghan and Shusara con... Oct 23, 2014 BBS Archives