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Satsang (November 21, 2013)

November 21, 2013 by
Core Council

During this Thanksgiving session, Shusara and PielleAyan discuss gratitude. The program begins with a recap of what consciousness experienced at the time of "the fall" and how the program of duality consciousness was created. We look at how a child takes on patterning, following the "winning position," and how both sides are programmed into the patterning. Shusara recommends a technique to begin the process of moving out of reactive mind by sitting and observing the energy when you have been triggered. The session wraps up with PielleAyan sharing her experience of gratitude and how it has changed since she began this work, and Shusara speaking about how gratitude is conditional within the program, but is a natural part of your Beingness outside of the program. The show ends with The Wailin' Jennys song, "Swing Low, Sail High."